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Say hello to digital vehicle sales.

Digital signatures on secure state forms — it's here

Convenience and flexibility for your buyers when finalizing a vehicle sale

VituSign allows your buyers to digitally sign documents with an easy to use (and fun) solution

A new digital age is here

You want paperless — we got it

Wait, what? Digital signatures — on DMV documents? Yes, we mean exactly that. Digital Signatures delivers on the promise of digitally signing forms, even those with an odometer disclosure.

Digital Signatures is the new way to complete the title and registration documents. Now you can move beyond physical printing and signing of the forms.

VituPay Dealer Screenshot

Bye-bye paper and pen

The digital age has arrived — just sign here

We ushered in an era of electronic title and registration when we started Vitu. Now, we’re pushing the envelope and offering digital signatures for DMV documents.

That’s right, your client doesn’t have to be at the dealership to sign for their new car.

Finalize your vehicle sales with Digital Signatures in DMVdesk— safely and securely. Say bye-bye to paper and pen and hello to convenience. We promise you, you won’t even miss them.

Convenient. Secure. Effortless.

As easy as 1-2-3

From the ground up, the Digital Signature workflow in DMVdesk was built to make your and your buyer’s lives as easy as possible.

Prepare the deal as normal within DMVdesk
You, as the dealer, digitally sign the title and registration documents first, and then your buyer signs
That’s it!

Trust us. Both you and your customers will love it — not only is it easy, but it’s also fun!

Built for California, made for you

Locally and across the Nation, Vitu supports all your title and registration needs — no need to log into another platform.


In-state Title & Reg


50-State Title & Reg


E-Titling Nationwide

Get started with Vitu today.

Request Demo
The Vitu Platform — Digital Title and Reg in one place

Vitu has successfully completed the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Service Organization Controls (SOC) 1 Type II audit, demonstrating its effective protection of confidential client data.

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Copyright © 2025 Vitu, Inc.

Vitu, Vitu Accelerated Title and Accelerated Title are trademarks of Vitu, Inc.

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